Hello, Kevin here.

I like to build stuff occasionally.

I'm currently a Freshman at the University of Houston,

pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science.

I have a profound interest in machine learning, operating

systems, full-stack development, and everything in between.

Say Hello to me!


Brief information about me and my interests.

I am currently studying computer science at University of Houston with a focus on computer science with a minor in mathematics. Recently, I was an undergrad research intern at the McNair Research Program of STMU, a Post-Baccalaureate Achievement Program. Some of my current goals are to build experience and to acquire long-term connections that will benefit me as a person and my field of study.

I have a profound interest in numerous types of software development such as machine learning, computer security, databases, and everything in between. I'm a huge enthusiast for desk setups, PC builds, and tattoos. In my free time, I enjoy ezxploring nature, getting boba, playing video games, and thrifting.

Some technologies I've worked with:

  • Python
  • JavaScript ES6+
  • HTML & CSS
  • C & C++


Information relevant to my education at University of Houston. (This is only an example)


Courses that I have completed or am on track to complete. Current GPA: 3.99

Freshman Year 2024 - 2025

Fall 2024 Courses Total Credits: 13.0
CS 1310 3.0
MT 1411 4.0
EN 1311 3.0
PL 1301 3.0


Spring 2025 Courses Total Credits: 16.0
CS 1311 3.0
CS 3300 3.0
MT 2412 4.0
FYE 1301 3.0
EN 2361 3.0

Sophomore Year 2025 - 2026

Fall 2025 Courses Total Credits: 13.0
CS 2315 3.0
CS 2313 3.0
CS 2110 1.0
CM 1341 3.0
AR 1300 3.0

Spring 2026 Courses Total Credits: 18.0
CS 2350 3.0
CS 2323 3.0
CS 4375 3.0
MT 2323 3.0
TH 1301 3.0
AC 2301 3.0

Junior Year 2026 - 2027

Fall 2026 Courses Total Credits: 17.0
CS 4320 3.0
CS 3310 3.0
CS 3110 3.0
MT 2318 3.0
TH 1301 3.0
HS 1301 3.0

Spring 2027 Courses Total Credits: 15.0
CS 4330 3.0
CS 4314 3.0
CS 3340 3.0
MT 2317 3.0
TH 3301 3.0

Senior Year 2027 - 2028

Fall 2027 Courses Total Credits: 16.0
CS 4335 3.0
CS 4110 3.0
CS 3350 3.0
CS 3335 3.0
BL 1301 3.0
BA 1301 3.0

Fall 2028 Courses Total Credits: 15.0
CS 4395 3.0
CS 4361 3.0
CS 4350 3.0
MT 3323 3.0
PR 1312 3.0


Organizations & clubs that I am/have been a part of. (Examples/Demos below)

Organization Role
Ronald E. McNair Scolars Program 1st Year Scholar
Infinite Loops Ex Vice President
Internal Fratnerity Council (IFC) Delegate Member
Society of Mathematicians Member
Sigma Phi Epsilon (Sigep) Member


Positions, team projects, organizations, and activities I am/have been a part of.

  • McNair Research
  • NP Engagement
  • Infinite Loops
  • Dobie Vex Robotics
  • Research Intern @ McNair STMU • 05/2023 - 07/2023

    As an undergraduate research intern in the McNair Program, I had the opportunity to conduct extensive research and work on a challenging project: developing a coding translator. I built a parser, lexer, and semantic analyzer module to translate my custom code into assembly language for a virtual machine.

    Collaborating closely with my mentors, I gained invaluable guidance, refining my development skills and deepening my understanding of language design principles, including compiler design methodologies. This experience has equipped me with practical knowledge and hands-on experience in building parsers, lexers, and semantic analyzer/code generator modules while also enhancing my proficieny in fast-paced environments and ensuring that I can deliver project deliverables on time with efficiency and accuracy.

  • Web Master @ NP Engagement • 10/2022 - 12/2022

    As a part-time employee at NP Engagement (a local San Antonio public relations firm), my main responsibility is to develop and manage websites for clients to achieve a long term goal. Some of my responsibilities consists of arranging and meeting with clients to address the needs and objective of a website, utilizing numerous tools and plugins to achieve the costumer's vision, and working collabortively with a team to enhance the growth of the clients business and traffic.

  • VP of Infinite Loops Club • 04/2022 - 05/2023

    As Vice President of St Mary\'s computer science club Infinite Loops, my responsibilities consist of filling in for the president when they are unable to perform any tasks while also performing any duties requested by the president to further the goals of Infinite Loops.

    Some of the tasks that I aid the president in consist of creating and managing meeting presentations, overseeing tasks of other officers and club members, conducting and initiating meetings, and organizing club activities and gatherings.

  • Dobie Vex Robotics Lead • 09/2019

    Worked with a small team of students to build and design a robot to compete in district wide tournaments. While following competition rules and regulations, we optimized its abilities to execute tasks in the most efficient way.

    Used a mix of pre defined and self made functions to properly control and manipulate the robot to execute tasks. While also taking advantage of community forums.

    My team roles were lead programmer and driver. With countless hours spent on the robot, we were awarded tournament champions at the "Battle Of The Bay" Jan 18th competition giving us a spot to compete in state competition.


Certifications that I have acquired during my career. (Example here)


[Organization][Date Obtained Here]


[Organization][Date Obtained Here]


[Organization][Date Obtained Here]


Some of my most recent or past favorite creations or work.


A Python-based language translator for converting my custom language "KLang" to assembly language for a virtual machine.

Python, Flask

Prize Pick Predictions

Machine learning Flask application that shows recommendations for sports betting on Prize Picks using machine learning.

Python, Flask, HTML

Hycord Bot

Discord.py program that uses Hypixel & PlayerDB APIs to allow users to link and access in-game data. Ultimate Hypixel Discord bot.

Python, Discord.py


Application that showcases popular locations for college students specifically for St. Mary's students. Made with a team of 8 students.

Dart, MySql, Flutter

Website Portfolio

Personal project to house my accomplishments and projects while also displaying important information about myself and my career.


The Fall Game

Small game project was inspired by a mini-game I used to play called the dropper. Project was to enhance my understandings of game development.

C#, Web GL, Unity G.E